Monthly update, August 2024
Many hours spent on build and CI related tasks. NextApp becoming really nice to use.
Ramblings from the Viking who run the Cafe at the end of the universe.
Hi, my name is Jarle. I am a Freelance C++ developer. I have spent quality time with code for 35+ years, and I still love it!
This is my professional blog, where I write about stuff I research or discover during my daily work on various projects.
Many hours spent on build and CI related tasks. NextApp becoming really nice to use.
Thoughts, ideas and lessons learned while creating a new Personal Organizer / GTD app for desktop and mobile
NextApp - authenticating with signed TLS certificate
NextApp now runs on my phone!
A dive into asynchronous servers and clients using C++ and gRPC in 2023 - 2024
Lots of work on Next-app this month
Lots of work on Next-app this month
It was a busy month!
Working on the nextapp desktop application and the back-end
Working on the nextapp desktop application and the back-end
Shifting my focus to next-app
Links to good, relevant information about QT and QML
Moving forward with nsblast, playing with C++20, re-writing mkres
Thoughts, ideas and lessons learned while creating a new massively scalable authoritative DNS server in C++