Articles with tag software development

A simple way to handle callbacks with Android and swig


How do we call a C++ std::function<> based callback from Android, in the simplest possible way?

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Building on Jenkins and deploying to a Docker container


Building something in Jenkins, using a declarative pipeline and deploying it to a Docker container is common, and you would expect it to be well documented and trivial to do right? Well, it is now.

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Serializing directly between C++ objects and Json files


C++ is a popular Object-oriented language. Json is a popular format for storage of Objects. Why is it so hard to make those two things play ball?

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Jenkins: How to set the build-result as UNSTABLE when tests fail in a Declarative Pipeline


Jenkins' Declarative Pipelines are nice, but also very constrained. Here I show how to deal with failed tests.

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Afterthoughts after creating a QT Desktop application


Just some thoughts and lessons learned after I created a X-platform QT Desktop application

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How to make a dmg package for macos for a QT Application


It's actually quite simple, once you figure out how to sign the package.

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X-platform build of a QT Application using a Jenkins pipeline


I set out to build a QT desktop application on Linux (several flavors of Debian and Ubuntu), macOS and Windows (64 bit builds) using Jenkins with slaves and Docker build-containers that is created on demand.

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Key result Areas (KRA) for software developers


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